After the first lockdown Ducklings did everything possible to keep its doors opened, allowing children to see their friends again and giving parents the chance to go back to work. To keep the children and our staff safe we did not arrange any outings but still arranged parties for the children during big events and celebrations.
On the 23rd of March 2020 the Prime Minister declared the first lockdown and everyone seemed to hold their breath. Ducklings Childcare took the initiative to close its doors to protect not just the children but also the staff and Sarah's husband, Bob. Sarah worked arduously during that time, making sure the nursery was deep cleaned and disinfected so when it would eventually reopen its doors the nursery would be ready to welcome back staff, children and parents with wide smiles and relief.
Copyright © 2017 Ducklings Childcare Ltd, Comp No: 9676233 - All Rights Reserved.
We have room for 2 and 3 year old funding!
Give us a call on 0113 2402956 or use the enquiry form and we will get back to you.