EyLog - Early Years Log - is the most comprehensive tablet, PC and web-based solution for nurseries and childcare providers to transform the process of recording observations, assessing a child's progress and planning activities for the child.
Eylog significantly reduces the time spent on capturing, maintaining observations and managing the learning journey of a child manually; enabling practitioners to focus more on providing the best early education to children-an ultimate aim of both Ducklings and parents.
Eylog enables you to understand your child's development on a more regular and real-time basis.
Ducklings can share your childs learning journey with you, increasing your involvement in activities.
You will be able to login to the system at any time to see all published observations and reports.
Eylog removes the restrictions of a paper based learning journey by incorporating rich media (photos, videos and audios!). It helps you as a parent to have an immersive experience of what your child is doing at Ducklings.
You can also contribute observations, based on your child's learning at home too!
Security is of key concern to both Ducklings and Eylog.
The tablets that are used at Ducklings are locked-down to ensure thay are not misused in any manner - Facebook, emails, etc, are all disabled. Each user has a separate user-ID and password and using a role-based access mechanism, a user is permitted to see only the infomation that is relevant for them.
Eylog uses a secure sockers layer (SSL) to encrypt all communication between the server and the tablets. All data is stored on secure Cloud-based servers in data centres located here in the UK. All data is regularly backed -up onto redundant systems.
Once your child has been added to the system by Ducklings, you will be sent your account information via email.
Please follow the instructions in this email to set up your password.
You will need to go to https://ducklingschildcare.eylog.co.uk/index.php/custom-login/
or click on the Eylog in section on the navigation bar above.
Here you can input you Login information for a PC or,
download the Eylog app for your phone or tablet.
Once logged in you will see the screen above.
Here you can click on the image of your child to see their learning journey or use the navigation bar and access any saved observations you have not yet sent to Ducklings. Your childs daily diary, or send and recieve secure messages to and from Ducklings.
From here you can see the published observations of your child as well as all of the photos and videos.
You can add comments to individual observations that will get sent directly to you childs key worker.
There is also a new observation button here if you wanted to add one yourself, as well as a second navigation bar, which allows you access to the 'All About Me', reports and daily diary sections.
Here under the 'My World' tab, you can add lots of useful information about your child, such as what they like to eat, what their usual sleep patterns are and who they live with.
All this infomation goes towards helping your childs key worker make a good bond with your child to help them feel welcome and at home.
Customers have questions, we have answers. Here, you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers, so everybody benefits.
When clicking on the Daily Diary you will first see an overview for the current month with a tick where your child has been registered with information.
This does not mean that your child was in Ducklings. If they were ill or on holiday a tick will still appear.
For more details on any given day click on the tick.
When clicking on a tick of a selected day in the overview section all the information for that day can then be viewed.
You can see when you child had their nappy changed, how much they ate for snacks and dinner, when they used the potty, when they slept and for how long.
Ducklings creates 6 reports for you each year detaling where your child currently is within the EYFS so you know exactly what your childs strengths are and where they my need a bit of help.
Ducklings does not do "Parent Evenings" in the traditonal sense,
instead we have an open door policy and all you need do is ask! It is never a problem!
If at any time you wish to to discuss how your child is getting, on or we feel that a meeting would be beneficial this can be arranged.
We have room for 2 and 3 year old funding!
Give us a call on 0113 2402956 or use the enquiry form and we will get back to you.